Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween @ Cedar Grove

Clark had loads of fun this year at the fall get-together at church.
He rode the horse without hesitation.

Halloween @ School

Clark had a Halloween party @ school. His wonderful teacher, Mrs. Heather, face paints. As you can see, he chose Spiderman!Clark & his buddy, Austin, who was Spiderman also!

Mrs. Heather, Clark, & Monica

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Carving the Jack-O-Lantern

Drew & Clark carved the jack-o-lantern this afternoon! Clark does not typically like slimy things on his hands, and that was no different this afternoon. It took a little bit of persuading and a pack of gummies to convince him to touch the insides. But he finally did it and didn't gag this year!

Clark is trying to decide how best to draw the eyes, nose, and mouth on the pumpkin.
He and Drew work together to draw off the face and the "lid".