Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Did you know Cookie Monster takes naps?

First, let me tell you that Drew has an oral fixation. He chews on straws, gum, paper, etc. So the other night we were sitting in the living room and I look over to see Drew with one of Clark's little Cookie Monster toys in his mouth. As I'm hanging up the phone, I walk over to see what he was doing and to my surprise, Cookie Monster's eyes are gone!!! I said, "Drew, Clark will be devestated when he sees this." His response: "I bet he doesn't even notice." Who are you kidding? A few minutes later, Clark sees Cookie Monster! He picks him up and kneels on the floor for a few minutes examining Cookie...he turns him over...upside down...all around. He looks intently at Cookie's face, which is missing both eyes, and begins to poke out his bottom lip when all of a sudden he looks up at us and says, "Cookie Monster sleeping". We both cracked up and Clark thought it was hilarious too. Little does he know that Cookie Monster is having an eternal nap!

1 comment:

Alice said...

Clark is the smartest baby EVER! I can't say as much for his father....really, chewing on Clark's toys???????