Monday, January 14, 2008

No fun being sick...

It's been a long week. The first cough, which was already a bad one, began exactly a week ago. What a week for Clark. He: has had a fever on and off, watched tons of t.v. (one of the only ways to keep him still to keep his fever down), coughed a disgusting cough, said "it hurts", gave the response "no, Mommy" when I suggested that his eye hurt instead of the "I" he meant, used half a bottle of Motrin AND Tylenol, had plenty of cuddle time with Mommy in the middle of the night, had plenty of cuddle time with Mommy in the middle of the day, whispered when he felt really bad, enjoyed a day and a half (out of the work week) with Mommy and a day with Daddy, used an entire bottle of Triaminic recommended at the (first) doctor's visit, used plenty of band-aids to "make it feel better", took it like a little champ and told the doctor " I'm feelin' better" on the second visit when the doctor asked "How are you, Clark?", smiled when he took his first dose of antibiotic that took a whole week to get! A simple cold turned into a sinus infection and a "pus-filled" pocket behind his eardrum! I'm sure if you asked him, he'd say..... "I'm feelin' better"!


Alice said...

I hate Little Man's been sick! Maybe a visit by his Yah Yah this weekend put him on the road to recovery? ;)

Kisses to my favorite boy!

Heather said...

Poor thing! The waiting is the worst part. I understand colds last 7-10 days & I always try to wait 7 days before going to the dr., but by the time you wait a week, then go to the dr it seems like they have been sick for an eternity! Glad he's on the road to recovery! :)

Jana said...

Bless his little heart, and yours. Boy do we know how that is. We missed you guys on Sunday. Hope he is better real soon.

Jodi Brinkley said...

Poor little fellow. He's really been a healthy boy so far, so I know you feel like you have overdosed him on everything. Hope he's all well very soon.