Friday, March 28, 2008

Easter Fun

Clark enjoyed the Easter Egg Hunt @ Cedar Grove. His outfit for Easter was adorable, but I forgot to take a picture. ;(

Here is a picture of Clark from two Easters ago!


Alice said...

There is nothing sweeter than seeing pictures of your favorite nephew enjoying Easter. Did he really use to look like that ????? I've been waiting and waiting to see EAster pics, so glad you posted them!
Yah-Yah sends kisses!!

Jodi Brinkley said...

Hooray! I've been waiting for new pics. Precious boy. I can't believe how much he's changed. I don't think he's gained another ounce. It's just all been distributed over more length.

King Family said...

We had fun with you all at the egg hunt. I love all the pictures. It is amazing how much they change it two years! I love the pictures of him helping daddy. He looks like he is working really hard.

Heather said...

Hi! I love the ecstatic look on his face in the 2nd pic. I thought about posting pics of my kids from Easter's past...that was a great idea. Isn't it amazing how big they get in such a short amount of time?