Friday, March 28, 2008

Fun with Daddy's toys...

A few weekends ago, we went to the "shop" to let Clark play with Drew's work stuff. He had a ton of fun! Here is a picture of him helping his daddy.


Alice said...

OMG! Can I tell you how much I LOVE that little man?

Jodi Brinkley said...

Sweet picture of him with Drew. You will treasure that one day when he stands as tall as his daddy.

Anonymous said...

As Etta James...AT LAST...I check the blog at least three times a day and I am SO excited to see the new blog. Magic...that is what he is...absolutely magic.

He makes me shiver with excitment and so happy I cry!

Kathy said...

What fun! Brodie and I saw one of Drew's trucks the other day pulling out of a subdivision (at least a truck that said Coggin on it). Brodie thought the machine on the trailer looked like great fun. I will have to not let Brodie see these pictures. Clark looks like he is having fun.

Heather said...

What a dream come true for a little boy! :)