Friday, July 25, 2008

A Little Summer Fun

Here's a recap of some summer fun we've had!

@ the lake:

Fourth of July festivities:

Picking (and eating) blackberries @ Peep & D-Dog's house!

Callaway Gardens:


Heather said...

Looks like a fun summer. We've missed ya'll at church lately. Looks like you've been busy!!
BTW-we need to chat. Is that your "famous" sister in the last picture? I heard she was on the Bachelorette...which I watched faithfully & i remember her. Anywho...see you soon! :)

Jodi Brinkley said...

Great pictures!

Anonymous said...

Can you tell, wherever you are there is sunshine and fun???? What a wonderful story in pictures.


Alice said...

I love these pictures! I know exactly where to go to brighten my day!

Mandy said...

Those are good pictures! Looks like you had a wonderful summer. I hate that we never got to swim together and finish watching Dee Dee! Oh well... hope all goes well back to school! Don't have too much fun - and if you teach my Mom anything....please warn me!

Susan said...

Great pictures. I guess Crystal is a star now! Can't wait to see you and catch up on the news.